Public Point: feel young
Showing posts with label feel young. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feel young. Show all posts

Make Your Self Your Attrective and Handsome For a Long Time

In this world every buddy wish to look attractive and make your self better. They wants to look different and more handsome than others.  Every single person whether they are men or women, They wants to look younger in whole life. For make your self younger people own many different ways but these options will not give proper solution to them. For achieving their aims people use herbal medicines and other homo pathetic. After the long period research, doctors have come to know that their is no such medicine which can be made for this purpose. Just one thing which we call Aab-e-hayyat, is the only way to keep your self attractive, handsome and young. Yes Aab-e-hayyat is the only thing which makes you young and fit for the long period but this is wrong news that if you drink Aab-e-hayyat you will not die ever. In the New York a building was in construction, while the construction and they start digging on the site they found a small bottle which having some kind liquid of 200ml. That bottle was having name tag with Aab-e-hayyat. Than some scientist were start research on it. After the research they have come to know that the bottle was buried 200 years ago. Now they have come to know that what kind of chemicals and herbals are required for creating this liquid.    

For creating this you need Rubarab, Gention ki sfedi, and haspanvi zafran. All things should be 23g. Than 13g Aelo juice, 4ounce  water and 12ounce alcohol of Grains, mix them all by time and time for 3 days. After 3 days do screening and make that in shape of pure liquid.By the experts this liquid is not Aab-e-Hayyat. It have some specifications of Aab-e-Hayyat which is the cause of good looking and young.

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