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Showing posts with label how to. Show all posts
What is Happening With The School Girls, Really Shameful
We are living in moderate educated society. But in this era we having many problems in our personal and social life. In all these problems we have a security of our sisters and daughters. Most of the people would not give the chance to their daughters and sisters to get education and go to schools and colleges. When some of people allow them to go to school than what happen to them must watch and share it to every one and try to stop this immortal activities.
Pakistan Has Get The Ability To Refill The Fuel In Air Crafts During Flight
Pakistan is just an Islamic country. In the country, there are three type of defense forces are offering their services to Pakistan. The 1st and the foremost defense force is Army than Navy and the last one Air force. All are the defense forces of Pakistan, work for the protection and prosperity of the country. To do protection, every force needs the weapons for the existence of their country. In this new era every country had the enemies and the Muslim countries have always more than one. So to protect their countries Arm Forces do play their role.Why this happened? Or is it compulsory? Their are many types of questions will be come in our mind and we try to find their answer. We know that it is necessary due to progress. In other words, we can say that when we get success than someone feels jealousy to us because he could not get that thing so he become the enemy. So progress is the one element that makes the enemy. But it does not mean progress is bad in fact this is the reality of the life. To face our enemy we start to prepare our self and for that we work hard in this way we became more powerful. So progress is a good thing for us that makes us more powerful. So for the facing of their enemies they make more technical weapon by using new technologies. And also they use the latest technology. And some times they invent a new thing or they introduced new technology in the society. Pakistan air forces now making new air crafts by using new technology to re-fueling in the air. London (manuring disk) Pakistan has been gotten the ability to re-fuel the air crafts in the air or during their flying.
British defense Jaredy I.H.S Jean has told in his report that in the Pakistan Aeronautical complex two air crafts of the block 2 K.J.F 17 are in the last stage or in the last step of computation of the Pakistan Air Force. And the first flying of these air crafts is expected in the end of this year. Depending on the British defense weakly I.H.S Jean that Pakistan Air Force has ordered for the making of fifty block 2 K.J.F 17 from them first two air crafts in kamra are the at the last stage of completion in the Pakistan Aeronautical complex. As compare to the block first block 2 K.J.F 17 have many additional properties. But the most important property of block 2 K.J.F 17 is the system of re-fueling air to air who will improve the imports of Pakistan Air Force and in the one air craft there is re-fueling prob that is exactly behind the cock pit, large part on the right side of the air craft. This flying will be used for the test. This is good achievement of Puritan Air Force. This rate of success and interest of the people’s of Pakistan shows the determination of the people and loves for their country and for this one day Pakistan will be in the list of developed countries nearly.
Saudia Is Reforming The Hajj Terms and Conditions
Hajj is the important Farz prayer on the Muslims which have the sources they offer this holy Hajj. Million of people from all over the world offer Hajj in the month of Zil-Hajja. For this holy Hajj Saudi Arab government try provide many facilitiest to the Hajjies whom are came from different countries. Every year the government of Saudia try to give batter facilities to them. For this year Saudi government again try to give batter facilities and look after to them. For making its possible they create an office by the Saudi Hajj Minister with the name of Strategic Initiative management. This department will offer new schemes and projects for the Hajj and make sure to obey all those terms and conditions. The officers of this department will contact and coordinate with other Hajj departments to provide batter resources and facilities. Many of arrangements are still in process. Hajj is the most important Farz in Islam and it is must to offer for those who have the resources. Saudia gives limited number of Quota to every country. This year Saudi Arabia have ban 3 countries of Africa because of Ebola Virus. The holy month is coming and millions of people will go and offer this holy and Important prayer in Saudi Arabia.
Psychology research: Punishment plays an important role in forgiveness
By the psychology researchers team get light on it that Punishment plays important role in forgiveness. It is much easier for those who try to forgive someone after giving some sort of punishment against their mistakes.
Dr Peter Strelan has been studying about forgiveness in a bid to better understand how people can resolve personal conflict. He has been researched at the University of Adelaide's School of Psychology.
While the research they observed some people who has done wrong like a negligent friend; a criminal offender; and a troubled personal relationship -- Dr and his colleagues come to know that people were more willing to forgive them if they had punished in any way, whom offended against them.
"Justice and forgiveness are often considered to be opposites, but we've found that victims who punish their offender are more able to forgive and move on," Dr Strelan says.
"Punishment could take many different forms. It could be giving someone the 'silent treatment', which in itself is a very powerful psychological punishment. Or in the case of a criminal offender, knowing that a court of law has imposed a reasonable sentence and that justice is being done - that may be enough for some people to forgive.
"That sense of justice, or getting 'just deserts', is important. However, in interpersonal relationships punishment should not be extreme or vengeful -- if it were, this would not help to repair the damage in the relationship and is likely to make things worse.
"For forgiveness to really work, there must be a sense that negative responses towards a transgressor are being replaced with positive ones. It's not about retaliation, it's about responding constructively and doing something about people's poor behavior toward you, in a way that works for both parties involved in the conflict," he says.
Dr Strelan says many people forgive them their revivals after a long time but that time is much difficult for them.
"When you get hurt by someone you naturally feel vulnerable, and the very idea of forgiving someone also makes a victim feel vulnerable. When some form of punishment is involved, the victim feels more empowered by that and is more able to forgive," he says.
As well as providing a better understanding of human behavior and emotions, Dr Strelan's research could help to inform clinical psychologists and relationship counselors.
Best Tutorial For How To Make Money With Dailymotion Videos
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3G and 4G is Now Available in Pakistan
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Now in Pakistan Three G and Four G license auction process has completed, and is now available for users of this technology have been days away, 3G and 4G in Telecommunications Gateway will cause a revolution in the academic, medical, research , will pave the way for social and economic development
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